Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Anyways, i peer at the paper, and jot down a couple of points i know along with a couple of points i made up:). then do my usual 'GET uP AND LEave'. Ok now, 5 down and one more exam to go.
Computer application [theory] is easy for two types of people-- ie,
A) People who just mugg every word off
B) People who know something about the computer and is familiar with every technical term
I DONT mug, i DONT know any technical term. And i dont even have any notes.
So todays agenda
1) Get notes
2) Get notes ASAP
3) READ the notes
4) If have doubts CLEAR ASAP
5) Take a break[a nice long one]
5.1. Go roam around
5.2. Check out for sale :)
5.3. Get someehting HEALTHY to eat
6) Return Home
Actually got nothing planned for today. I wonder how i would be after my computer exam. Relived would be one word, now i can bury my head in my sorrow without thinking of PASSINg. Then ill have to pack everything from the hostel, 2008 was a strange year. Good[real good] and bad[really bad:(] happenings. Now a year in my collage life is done. though it was full of complaints and fussing, i did meet a couple of real good people- Crystal, Sonia, Muthamma, Uju, Nikita Treasa, Milu, Phoeba, Joan, Carrol n Sneha. Yeah its alist! But special list. Then i learnt to study! haha, make priorites, live everyday, be single, accepting life as it is and learning to make the best of it and yes, reconcile with a couple of reall special people and Meeting new ones:)
And Dan is comming on 30th, and kinda excieted to see her. With everything thats been happening, i think it would be ncie to spend time with her, manoj, shaun n others. It is reliving. SO hopeing...
Review of COnfessions of a Shopaholic

A perfect example of this ideal is Rebecca Bloomwood. The heroine of P.J. Hogan's adaptation of Sophia Kinsella's Confessions of a Shopaholic, this spunky career gal wants a cushy job, a suave boyfriend, an understanding best bud, and an unlimited credit line. And that's just for starters. The only problem is Rebecca (played with real drive by Isla Fisher) is neck-deep in debt. She just can't stop spending. When her job as a writer for a gardening rag falls through, she applies at the nation's number one fashion magazine. Named after its editor, Alette Naylor (Kristin Scott Thomas), the job represents the completion of all our heroine's career goals. Sadly, she has to settle for a gig writing at Successful Saving, a financial magazine. Oh, the irony! Luckily, it's managed by humble British hunk Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy).
It's clear that without director Hogan, Confessions of a Shopaholic would be intolerable. The man behind Muriel's Wedding and Peter Pan takes what should be a shrill, overly saccharine combination of Legally Blonde and Sex and the City and turns it into a likable, if ultimately lightweight romp. Fisher is like that lonely little puppy in the pet store window. She whimpers and whelps, wags her cute little tail and puts on the "adopt me" face better than a barnyard full of Marleys. By the movie's end, you can't help but identify with her anguish and relish in her joy. The script also does a wonderful job of explaining the character's compulsion to buy. During a scene with a support group, her speech is so inspiring she sends her fellow shopaholics into complete relapse.
But it's a shame that so much of Confessions falls flat. Fisher may be a gifted physical comedienne, but the slapstick here is stiff and unimaginative. Even worse, her wide-eyed, whimsical look at everything around her grows grating at times. Apparently, Rebecca is one of the few people in the world that can reduce even the most complex problem down to a shoe analogy. Supporting this sporadic entertainment are lost-in-the-trenches talents like Thomas, Dancy, and John Lithgow (as a far-thinking publisher), plus John Goodman and Joan Cusack as Rebecca's regressive parents. They attempt to add sparkle to a movie already drenched in far too many unrealistic narrative rhinestones.
Yet just like that cute-as-a-button mutt you can't pass up, Confessions of a Shopaholic eventually steals your heart, though you feel incredibly guilty for buying into the pap, and recognize almost immediately when the narrative starts spilling over into full-blown manipulation. There are several subplots (the wedding of Rebecca's whiny friend; the doltish debt collector haunting our heroine's every step) that seem lifted out of a third-rate cable sitcom. At other moments, Hogan drops the dopiness and actually finds some empathy and humor.
In the contemporary realm of today's self-described superwomen, Rebecca Bloomwood is viewed as a role model. In the film, her fashion-centric financial column is celebrated for having the ability to connect with the otherwise clueless masses. Confessions of a Shopaholic can be praised for a similarly-styled stunt. It makes even the most cynical film fan forget its flaws and accept its minor pleasures.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
One of those days!
Sometimes you just feel like the whole world is just out there, and you are HERE. Though what i feel exactly right now, i actually cant pinpoint it. Though we dont want to complain about life, and tell ourselves a billion times to smile and go through it. At the end of the day, you just know, NOTHING changes. Maybe being positive is the answer, or patience. Again i have come to square 1, unhappy about my collage,
Envy, frustration, lonliness and a lot of negative thoughts come pouring into you head. And sometimes it just sucks when you cant do ablsoutly nothin but wait!
But seriously, now i feel my life has been this pattern, of bizzare and strange twists. I have met amazing people in my life... and I am forever thankful to God for them. But i just dont understand, where I am standing now. Is there a sign!? or Am i just IGNORING THE SIGN!
I feel like a loser! A real one. You sometimes see those people, whose mostly got it all! And they crib and cry about being losers and unhappy because they didnt get car or more enjoyment!! ugh!!They should just wake up! Its a tough world out there!! Its even tougher when life is like on a standstill!...
Collage leave it, hostel[ which doesnt even have plug points]! its only recently when i told someone that i dont have plug points in the hostel, i just realized I LIVED ONE YEAR WITHOUT THEM! shit! i cant belive it!!
And when this pattern in you life is there, and though you are moving in faith and patience.... you cant help being scared. If so much has happened, is there worse ahead!?? Is it going to be like this throughout! :(
But thats life, we say that line and wrap eeverythin up. And i guess keep moving. Somehow try to live every moment.... with whatever you got!
But i belive in trying till you die. I do know someone watches me:). I just want a little rest, a lil light!! and the rest i dont know what i want even, which makes everything all the more complicated!!