Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just in total randomness~!

The past days just ran past so quickly. Its like I even doubted whether January 24th was actually my birthday!. But it is, and I'm 20 now!. But thats another story I guess :D.

Today half of them were'nt there for lunch and I was not in a mood to eat alone and plus i had breakfast at 11.30! So pretty much NOT hungry!.

My prayer today morning was that I finally get my work done!. Its been in one of my request slips to God for a really long while!. Well, its finally showing effect. I cut classes today for 2 reasons
A) Fear of getting screwed for not completing my record.
B) I wanted to buy the computer Visual Basic book once and for all!.

And i've got to begin working on my psychology project!. I was so excieted that fear crept into me. But i shooed the fear away! Thanks Jesus ;)... So today I'll have to form a body for my project. THE topic is 'ME'. I thought of writing it in a scrapbook and sticking pictures as in a real scrap book!.

It feels really good to get things done!. HAHA DOWN with the reign of Procastination!. Things have really been so good now. :D... tc