Tuesday, March 24, 2009


EVERY Tuesday morning, without any compulsion from anyone, i just wake up extra early, so extremely cheerful. Infact i go around waking everyone else in my room for breakfast! Then everyone in their sleepy state gets all set to join me for breakfast in the mess hall. As i walk in a dreamy cheery state, the suns just peekin out, the air so fresh etc. Then suddenly when we approach the mess hall. THATS when it strikes me, its TUESDAY, and that means IDILLY!!![hope its correctly spelled].

This is when, i hear the annoying horn, by some impatient bus driver on the streets and i remember. ITs IDILLY and i am in MANGALORE.

OK, idillys are supposed to be soft[ dont ask me what its made up of, ive nt a CLUE!]. Initially the idillies here were hard or rough. As it is, i HATE idillies, and to top it off its made like this. But its really depressing. And slowly, though i cant exactly understand why, i just wake up automatically, all set for a nutrional breakfast, right on a TUESDAY! And as the elation got sucked out of us, we fetched our plates for our food and selected our idillies very carefully[the modest lookin ones]. Then we trod back into our seats. And as i stare into my plate, touching the idilly and watching my finger leave its mark on its soggy surface, i sigh. Just so that i dont have to hear my stomach curse me throughout the day, i gobble 2 idillies.

As we can all see in the picture below, the big utensil that provides us with our tuesday uncooked BREAD. But they at the mess, tried so genuinely to not make the idillies dry, rough etc, that now its so soggy. I wonder if its made out of some paste.!

The funny and weird part is that i wake up like this only on TUESDAY
So now, whenever i wake up all fresh and lively, everyone goes like, oh divabe's up, lets just all go back to bed and chuck BREAKFAST.

But i know, they say living in the hostel is hard and that the food is going to be so bad[wonder why i still havent lost weight:(] and all that. Maybe its all about adjustment. Actually quite true, now whenever i go back home, i actually gobble everything in my plate. And even i have cut out on take aways and stick to just plain good ol home made food! Three cheers to mum:).....I guess this is how we learn to appreciate some parts of life.:)

GOD bless....

Part deux

Now its going to be 1.30, and ill have to run to the BA block for my psychology class. Somehow mam always feels i come really late. She thinks i dont study well or i bunk class so i can run to the hostel and SLEEP. [ oh what joy!]....

SO yesterday, i tremble and enter the hostel, but GOD s GRACE alls well :)......
Even Muthu's reaction was quite surpriseing. When i entered my room, i could see her readin archie comics, and she dint even look up. Even i just shook my head and walked off. Later she came to me and spoke with a maturity that really surprised me. Now i think i even have a huge amount of respect for her.

Now bell rang, got to run, think of an excuse on the way...and revise for my test all at the same time...... this is tiring :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

A day in my llife.

Sometimes we do things just at the spur of the moment, not thinking of whats actually going to happen next. Then later when our senses kick back in, we feel the tension and as we wait and see if your actions are going to dig your grave.

Today i bunked classes, not something new, but today iam just not in the hostel sleeping away or gossiping away. Iam at my friends place. I have to get back into the hostel, unnoticed.!! Here I am with my friend, whos got this bad case of hangover{ not excluding myself:)}. So that explains why i cant bve back into the hostel. And my dearest dearest warden [sarcasam!!], would gladly kick me out. I wonder why she hasnt done it before anyway. Not only have I come in late more than thrice [ WHICH IS ONE OF THE CARDINAL SINS IN THE HOSTEL], then walking round in the LADIES hostel in shorts[ i dont geettt ittt!!], and last but neverthless the least, ma chambre[room]:).
Any of my roomies/cousins/family/friends can be witnesses to the horrid state of my room. I think i shall post up a picture real soon. I have to push the excess stuff on my bed and sleep. Things lieng on my bed range from clothes, money, cosmetics, bags to pens pencils, punchin machines, staplers etc.
SIGH.... Its not really nice to come and see a MESS everyday, especially when life alredy is VERY MESSED. But i like the way how Joan called me optimistic [ tho i am not really]. So there, i shall make an effort to be VERY optimistic. And thats when one day, all my anger winded me up to clean the room with such josh! I did manage to get rid of lots of dirt and things lieng down. Then i put the new rug i bought from Big Bazaar[RS.39]. and it did look nice, i was quite pleased. And i put on that air of haaa! i can do it. My roomies just watched me clean it. I know that they expect it to go back to normal MESSY tomorrow or day after. Sadly, they were right. BUt atleast the down part was cleaner. Phoeba told me i needed therapy[shes cute tho :)].
It hurts, but today when i get back into the hostel, i am going to kick back into cleanin it with the josh. I know speech is going to be less today, as all will be mad/upset/annoyed with me.[ i did something i cantt telll :)]
Its going to be hard to face them. It aint easy. Especially Crystal and Muthu. I would really hate the look Muthu would give me. OK, shes right. But her looks really bug me. That look of 'you SINNER' look......
OK i got no explanations, no excuses. Just hopeing and Prayin that everything goes well. I shall soon see. Its just i hate to face them. Arghhh! But i have to face it. Nikki said she would come and see me at 4. And we shall enter togehter. mAYB Crystels reaction would even make me cry. But i shall be strong and put a smile on. They would think again that she doesnt care or look how shameless she is. Anways lets see.!