Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Malini Ma'am gave me the paper, i sat staring at it. English was very easy till my 12th grade. I remember a study gap for English meant a day to roam around the streets of Kuwait, aimlessly. BUT in collage level English LITERATURE, there is no fooling around. Theres History, criticism, Plays, dramas, sonnets etc. Hmmmmm..... ! I often wondered, why do we need to learn criticism, isnt English supposed to be about some stories or something.

Anyways, i peer at the paper, and jot down a couple of points i know along with a couple of points i made up:). then do my usual 'GET uP AND LEave'. Ok now, 5 down and one more exam to go.
Computer application [theory] is easy for two types of people-- ie,
A) People who just mugg every word off
B) People who know something about the computer and is familiar with every technical term

I DONT mug, i DONT know any technical term. And i dont even have any notes.
So todays agenda
1) Get notes
2) Get notes ASAP
3) READ the notes
4) If have doubts CLEAR ASAP
5) Take a break[a nice long one]
5.1. Go roam around
5.2. Check out for sale :)
5.3. Get someehting HEALTHY to eat
6) Return Home

Actually got nothing planned for today. I wonder how i would be after my computer exam. Relived would be one word, now i can bury my head in my sorrow without thinking of PASSINg. Then ill have to pack everything from the hostel, 2008 was a strange year. Good[real good] and bad[really bad:(] happenings. Now a year in my collage life is done. though it was full of complaints and fussing, i did meet a couple of real good people- Crystal, Sonia, Muthamma, Uju, Nikita Treasa, Milu, Phoeba, Joan, Carrol n Sneha. Yeah its alist! But special list. Then i learnt to study! haha, make priorites, live everyday, be single, accepting life as it is and learning to make the best of it and yes, reconcile with a couple of reall special people and Meeting new ones:)
And Dan is comming on 30th, and kinda excieted to see her. With everything thats been happening, i think it would be ncie to spend time with her, manoj, shaun n others. It is reliving. SO hopeing...

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